Hi, I’m Anne

Here’s the core of my passion:

📣 Helping active women in any stage of menopause rebuild their training and nutrition to feel good and keep playing for life!

I decided to create the Menopause Body Blueprint (MBB) because I kept hearing this same story from new clients:

You're cruising through your 30s & into your 40s doing your sport and feeling good, but at some point you begin to feel the first inkling of what we call the "normal effects of aging."

Symptoms include less stamina, strength & good feels - physical & otherwise. At first it just shows up in your physical activities of choice, and then eventually seeps into your daily life. No surprise there, right?

But now let's muddy the waters with The M Word. Meh😑no-pause (Menopause).

NOW you're getting symptoms that amplify your otherwise tolerable "effects of aging:" brain fog, sleep disruption, hot flashes, a growing mid-section, and more.

So you double down on the behaviors that have typically helped you make progress and feel better.

But months later, it hasn't made much of an impact. (🤬!)

Long story short: in our decade+ of Menopause transition, behaviors that used to *work* will often no longer help us make progress toward moving & feeling good in our bodies.

That's the 'ole Metabolic Dumpster Fire at it's finest.

The Menopause Body Blueprint was built to change that outcome.

Because I don't think we should have to say goodbye to our favorite sport or activity this early, resign ourselves to feeling achy, slow, or frumpy, or endure meno-symptoms as intensely as we currently are.

Turning age 50-something is not rocking chair time. Not yet.